About Armatus Canine
Armatus Canine is owned and run by ex-military personnel, guaranteeing a professional security and dog training experience. Our values and passion for dogs shows in our quality of service and knowledge.
Following our years in the forces, together we bring years of experience in security including surveillance, intelligence gathering, military working dog deployment and dog training. We drive for results by continuing to follow our values and standards from the military.
We work day and night to ensure a higher standard of service is met. Our management team and professional trainers continue to test themselves to keep current in the ever changing world.
Our dog training team always strives to deliver a tailored dog training experience that ensures you can see results and gives both the dog and owners a sense of achievement and are confident in their new abilities.
Naturally we have signed the Armed Forces Covenant, ensuring fair treatment and recognition to HM Forces members past and present. We offer a 10% discount on NASDU courses for veterans and serving members.
Read up about some of the Armatus Canine team below or to check out the latest dog training, reviews and more, pop over to our sites on social media.

The Team

Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.
Its two principles are that, recognising the unique obligations of, and sacrifices made by, the Armed Forces:
Those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services.
Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved.